In our rapidly evolving, data-driven world, the influence of Artificial Intelligence looms large, shaping the very fabric of our future. Everyone is talking about the AI-developing companies, but a few talk about the data contributors and their consents. Many enterprises that have developed Generative AI are facing legal battles as they don’t have informed consent from the data contributors, and there is no doubt that many are unaware of how their data is going to be used in AI development.

The development of AI begins with the collection of training data, which serves as the foundation upon which AI systems learn and make decisions. However, this critical stage of data collection must be underpinned by a strong commitment to informed consent.

In this blog, we explore why informed consent is imperative when collecting training data for Data-Centric AI.

The Significance of Data-Centric AI

We are supporters of data-centric AI that uses ethically collected data from users. Because not only data but the data contributors are shaping this AI world.

Data-Centric AI systems are really good at learning and making decisions. They need a lot of training data to do this, and the data can be about anything, from what TV shows you like to your medical records.

Data-centric AI can lead to better solutions for us; it could be used to develop new medical treatments, traffic solutions, and personalized learning experiences. It has the potential to do a lot of good, but it also has the potential to be misused. That's why it's important to get people's consent before using their data. Informed consent means that people know what their data is being used for and that they agree to it.

If we get people's consent and use their data ethically, Data-Centric AI can be a force for good. But if we don't, it could have negative consequences.

The Role of Training Data

Training data is the lifeblood of AI. It's the dataset from which AI systems draw patterns, learn, and generalize. It can encompass a wide range of information, from text and images to sensor data and user interactions. The quality and diversity of this data directly impact the AI system's performance and capabilities.

On the other side of the world, where people face legal challenges, you can partner with us to get high-quality, ethically collected training data to build an ethical AI.

Our Comprehensive Approach

To address these challenges and uphold the necessity of informed consent in training data collection for Data-Centric AI, a comprehensive approach is required:

Start with Clear Communication

Communication is the key to conveying anything to anyone, and we follow the same principle. We always communicate clearly and transparently, using plain language to ensure individuals understand the process, the use of data, and the risks.

User Control

In many collections, there are different phases, and we always provide individuals with options to opt in or opt out of data collection.

Ethical Frameworks

We follow legal frameworks. Adhering to ethical frameworks and legal guidelines guides us in obtaining and respecting informed consent.