Open Ended Question Answer Dataset in English

This Q&A dataset consist of open ended questions and answers in English from wide range of domains. Along with that it includes the detailed annotation for each question and answer.


Prompt-Completion Open Ended QA Dataset

Total volume

5000+ Assets

Last Updated

July 2023

Number of participants

50 people

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What’s Included

The English Open-Ended Question Answering Dataset is a meticulously curated collection of comprehensive Question-Answer pairs. It serves as a valuable resource for training Large Language Models (LLMs) and Question-answering models in the English language, advancing the field of artificial intelligence.

Dataset Content:

This QA dataset comprises a diverse set of open-ended questions paired with corresponding answers in English. There is no context paragraph given to choose an answer from, and each question is answered without any predefined context content. The questions cover a broad range of topics, including science, history, technology, geography, literature, current affairs, and more.

Each question is accompanied by an answer, providing valuable information and insights to enhance the language model training process. Both the questions and answers were manually curated by native English Speaking people, and references were taken from diverse sources like books, news articles, websites, and other reliable references.

This question-answer prompt completion dataset contains different types of prompts, including instruction type, continuation type, and in-context learning (zero-shot, few-shot) type. The dataset also contains questions and answers with different types of rich text, including tables, code, JSON, etc., with proper markdown.

Question Diversity:

To ensure diversity, this Q&A dataset includes questions with varying complexity levels, ranging from easy to medium and hard. Different types of questions, such as multiple-choice, direct, and true/false, are included. Additionally, questions are further classified into fact-based and opinion-based categories, creating a comprehensive variety. The QA dataset also contains the question with constraints and persona restrictions, which makes it even more useful for LLM training.

Answer Formats:

To accommodate varied learning experiences, the dataset incorporates different types of answer formats. These formats include single-word, short phrases, single sentences, and paragraph types of answers. The answer contains text strings, numerical values, date and time formats as well. Such diversity strengthens the Language model's ability to generate coherent and contextually appropriate answers.

Data Format and Annotation Details:

This fully labeled English Open Ended Question Answer Dataset is available in JSON and CSV formats. It includes annotation details such as id, language, domain, question_length, prompt_type, question_category, question_type, complexity, answer_type, rich_text.

Quality and Accuracy:

The dataset upholds the highest standards of quality and accuracy. Each question undergoes careful validation, and the corresponding answers are thoroughly verified. To prioritize inclusivity, the dataset incorporates questions and answers representing diverse perspectives and writing styles, ensuring it remains unbiased and avoids perpetuating discrimination.

Both the question and answers in English are grammatically accurate without any word or grammatical errors. No copyrighted, toxic, or harmful content is used while building this dataset.

Continuous Updates and Customization:

The entire dataset was prepared with the assistance of human curators from the FutureBeeAI crowd community. Continuous efforts are made to add more assets to this dataset, ensuring its growth and relevance. Additionally, FutureBeeAI offers the ability to collect custom question-answer data tailored to specific needs, providing flexibility and customization options.


The dataset, created by FutureBeeAI, is now ready for commercial use. Researchers, data scientists, and developers can utilize this fully labeled and ready-to-deploy English Open Ended Question Answer Dataset to enhance the language understanding capabilities of their generative ai models, improve response generation, and explore new approaches to NLP question-answering tasks.

Use Cases

Question Answer Dataset for Language Model Training

Language Model Training

Q&A dataset for question answering model

Question Answering Systems

Question answer dataset for natural language understanding

Natural Language Understanding

Q&A dataset for chatbot and virtual assistant training

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Dataset Sample(s)

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Complete the analogy:

Sweet Potatoes : Vitamin A :: Lemon : ________

a. Vitamin C

b. Vitamin B12

c. Vitamin D

d. None of the above


Answer: a. Vitamin C


I'm looking to promote my product on LinkedIn, so could you please provide me with information about specific LinkedIn features? I'm particularly interested in learning about first, second, and third connections. Getting a better grasp of these features would really help me understand how to make the most out of LinkedIn for my product promotion.


First of all, I'd like to introduce you to LinkedIn. It's a professional social networking platform that's primarily used for business-related activities, networking, and career development. On LinkedIn, users can connect with other professionals, share their accomplishments, build a personal brand, and promote products or services. Let's explore the key features related to connections on LinkedIn:


A connection on LinkedIn represents a direct relationship between two users who have mutually agreed to connect with each other on the platform. It's similar to becoming friends on other social media platforms, but with a professional emphasis. Typically, your connections are people you know personally, professionally, or have some sort of business relationship with. When sending a connection request, it's common to provide a personalized message explaining why you want to connect. Building a strong network of relevant connections is crucial on LinkedIn because it can expand your professional reach, increase your visibility, and open up opportunities for collaboration, job opportunities, and product promotion. First Connections: Your first connections on LinkedIn are the professionals you are directly connected with. These are the people who have accepted your invitations or whom you have accepted invitations from. You can view and interact with their posts and updates directly in your LinkedIn feed. Your first-degree connections represent your primary network on LinkedIn. Whenever you post something on LinkedIn, your first-degree connections will see it in their feeds. This makes them an essential audience for promoting your product or any other professional content you wish to share. Second Connections: Second-degree connections on LinkedIn are people who are connected to your first-degree connections but are not directly connected to you. In other words, they are one step away from you in terms of connections. You can see them listed as 2nd in search results or on the profiles of your first-degree connections. While you can't directly interact with second-degree connections, you can still reach out to them through your shared connections. If you find someone who is a second-degree connection and you have a mutual connection, you can request an introduction through your shared connection. This can be beneficial for product promotion, networking, or reaching out to potential customers or partners. Third Connections: Third-degree connections are the professionals who are connected to your second-degree connections but are not directly connected to you. They are two steps away from you in terms of connections. You can see them listed as 3rd in search results or on the profiles of your second-degree connections. As with second-degree connections, you can't directly interact with third-degree connections. However, if you have a mutual connection with them, you can also request an introduction through that shared connection. In summary, LinkedIn connections are a vital aspect of the platform, playing a crucial role in expanding your professional network and promoting your product. By connecting with relevant professionals and leveraging your first-degree connections to reach second and third-degree connections, you can increase your product's visibility and potentially find new business opportunities. When promoting your product on LinkedIn, it's essential to engage with your network thoughtfully, share valuable content, and build genuine relationships with your connections.


is it true or false according to your POV:

Social media marketing is more effective for brand building and engagement than for directly driving sales and conversions.

It must be start as: It's _____because______


It's true because while social media marketing can lead to direct sales and conversions, it is often more effective in building brand awareness, engaging with the audience, and fostering long-term customer relationships.


is it true or false:

If I want to beat the light, I need to accelerate by more than 186,000 miles per second.



The statement is false. According to the theory of special relativity in physics, nothing with mass can accelerate to or beyond the speed of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 186,000 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second). As an object with mass approaches the speed of light, its mass would theoretically become infinite, and it would require an infinite amount of energy to continue accelerating, which is not possible in practice. Therefore, it is impossible to beat the light by accelerating faster than the speed of light.


What are the effects of sugar on the body, and what are the potential advantages and disadvantages of using sugary foods as a major source of sweetness? How does the amount of sugar in different foods vary according to the preparation method, type of sweetener used, and serving size, and how does this variation affect each person's health and well-being? What are some possible negative consequences of consuming too much sugar, and how can people control their sugar intake to maximize the benefits of enjoying sweet treats while minimizing the risks?

Start the answer with: Sugar has a variety of effects on the body...


Sugar has a variety of effects on the body, both positive and negative. When consumed in moderate amounts, sugar provides a quick source of energy, which can be beneficial for physical and mental activities. Additionally, sugar can enhance the taste and palatability of foods, making them more enjoyable. However, excessive sugar consumption can lead to several health issues. Sugary foods are often calorie-dense but nutrient-poor, contributing to weight gain and an increased risk of obesity. High sugar intake is also linked to dental cavities and an increased risk of developing chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

The amount of sugar in different foods can vary depending on how they are prepared and the type of sweetener used. Processed and packaged foods tend to have higher sugar content, while homemade or minimally processed foods often have less sugar. The type of sweetener used, such as refined sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, or natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, also affects the sugar content. Additionally, serving sizes play a crucial role; larger portions of sweetened foods can significantly increase sugar intake.

To maintain health and well-being, it's essential to control sugar intake. This can be achieved by reading food labels to identify hidden sugars, choosing foods with lower sugar content, and opting for healthier sweeteners when cooking or baking. Moderation is key, as occasional indulgence in sweet treats is acceptable, but making them a major part of the diet can be detrimental. Emphasizing a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help minimize the risks associated with excessive sugar consumption. Regular dental hygiene and physical activity also contribute to overall well-being.

By being mindful of sugar intake and making informed choices, individuals can enjoy sweet treats in moderation while safeguarding their health and reducing the negative consequences of consuming too much sugar.


Que: America

Answer: The first President of America was George Washington


Que: Liberia

Answer: The first president of Liberia was Joseph Jenkins Roberts


Que: India


Answer: The first President of India was Dr. Rajendra Prasad.


What is the full form of the following Ecnomics term?

Create a table by using their definition.











Initiate the answer with:

Table for the Economics term with definition:


Table for the Economics term with definition:

|Acronym|Full Form|Definition|


|GDP|Gross Domestic Product|GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders|

|CPI|Consumer Price Index|CPI measures changes in the average price level of a basket of goods and services|

|IMF|International Monetary Fund|IMF is an organization that promotes international monetary cooperation and exchange rate stability|

|WTO|World Trade Organization|WTO deals with the global rules of trade between nations, facilitating trade negotiations and resolving disputes|

|ECB|European Central Bank|ECB is the central bank for the euro and administers monetary policy in the Eurozone|

|FDI|Foreign Direct Investment|FDI refers to investments made by foreign companies in the economy of another country|

|VAT|Value Added Tax|VAT is a consumption tax added to a product's value at each stage of the supply chain|

|PPP|Purchasing Power Parity|PPP is a method to compare the purchasing power of different countries by factoring in exchange rates and price levels|


As a doctor, give me your prescription about the situation: What would happen if the person consumed an excessive amount of protein?


Excessive protein intake can have various health consequences. While protein is essential for the body, consuming too much can strain organs and systems. One significant concern is the potential strain on the kidneys, as excessive protein can lead to increased production of waste products, placing extra burden on these vital organs. Additionally, high-protein diets can cause dehydration due to increased water loss through urine. Digestive discomfort, bloating, and constipation may also arise from extremely high protein consumption. Moreover, an imbalanced focus on protein might lead to neglecting other essential nutrients, risking overall nutritional deficiencies. Weight gain can result if the excess protein contributes to a calorie surplus.

Furthermore, some studies suggest that diets excessively high in protein, particularly from animal sources, may be associated with an increased risk of certain health conditions in the long term. To promote health and well-being, it is essential to follow a well-balanced diet that meets protein needs without going overboard. Consulting a registered dietitian or healthcare professional can help individuals create a personalized nutrition plan tailored to their specific needs and goals.


Complete the analogy:

Sweet Potatoes : Vitamin A :: Lemon : ________

a. Vitamin C

b. Vitamin B12

c. Vitamin D

d. None of the above


Answer: a. Vitamin C


I'm looking to promote my product on LinkedIn, so could you please provide me with information about specific LinkedIn features? I'm particularly interested in learning about first, second, and third connections. Getting a better grasp of these features would really help me understand how to make the most out of LinkedIn for my product promotion.


First of all, I'd like to introduce you to LinkedIn. It's a professional social networking platform that's primarily used for business-related activities, networking, and career development. On LinkedIn, users can connect with other professionals, share their accomplishments, build a personal brand, and promote products or services. Let's explore the key features related to connections on LinkedIn:


A connection on LinkedIn represents a direct relationship between two users who have mutually agreed to connect with each other on the platform. It's similar to becoming friends on other social media platforms, but with a professional emphasis. Typically, your connections are people you know personally, professionally, or have some sort of business relationship with. When sending a connection request, it's common to provide a personalized message explaining why you want to connect. Building a strong network of relevant connections is crucial on LinkedIn because it can expand your professional reach, increase your visibility, and open up opportunities for collaboration, job opportunities, and product promotion. First Connections: Your first connections on LinkedIn are the professionals you are directly connected with. These are the people who have accepted your invitations or whom you have accepted invitations from. You can view and interact with their posts and updates directly in your LinkedIn feed. Your first-degree connections represent your primary network on LinkedIn. Whenever you post something on LinkedIn, your first-degree connections will see it in their feeds. This makes them an essential audience for promoting your product or any other professional content you wish to share. Second Connections: Second-degree connections on LinkedIn are people who are connected to your first-degree connections but are not directly connected to you. In other words, they are one step away from you in terms of connections. You can see them listed as 2nd in search results or on the profiles of your first-degree connections. While you can't directly interact with second-degree connections, you can still reach out to them through your shared connections. If you find someone who is a second-degree connection and you have a mutual connection, you can request an introduction through your shared connection. This can be beneficial for product promotion, networking, or reaching out to potential customers or partners. Third Connections: Third-degree connections are the professionals who are connected to your second-degree connections but are not directly connected to you. They are two steps away from you in terms of connections. You can see them listed as 3rd in search results or on the profiles of your second-degree connections. As with second-degree connections, you can't directly interact with third-degree connections. However, if you have a mutual connection with them, you can also request an introduction through that shared connection. In summary, LinkedIn connections are a vital aspect of the platform, playing a crucial role in expanding your professional network and promoting your product. By connecting with relevant professionals and leveraging your first-degree connections to reach second and third-degree connections, you can increase your product's visibility and potentially find new business opportunities. When promoting your product on LinkedIn, it's essential to engage with your network thoughtfully, share valuable content, and build genuine relationships with your connections.


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Open Ended Question Answer Dataset



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science, history, technology,...more

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unique_id, question,...more

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