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Explore our extensive collection of OCR image datasets, specifically designed for training and fine-tuning robust Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Text Recognition systems. Our carefully curated datasets feature a diverse range of images, including printed and handwritten text from various sources such as invoices, flyers, business cards, and product labels.
Perfect for machine learning and AI projects, our OCR image datasets are essential for refining text recognition algorithms, improving data extraction accuracy, and advancing document digitization initiatives. Access high-quality, diverse data sets to take your OCR projects to the next level.
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Invoice language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Flyer language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Poster language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Road & Traffic Signboards language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Business Cards language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Product Label language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Newspaper, Books & Magazines language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Nutritional Facts language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Receipts, Price Tags, & Label language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Storefront language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Banner language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Menus language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Forms language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Recipes language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Shopping Lists language.
15+ Datasets
Explore ready-to-deploy Image datasets in Sticky Notes language.
15+ Datasets