Brainstorming Prompt & Response Dataset in Chinese

This brainstorming prompt and completion dataset consists of a wide range of brainstorming prompts and responses in the Chinese language. Along with that, it includes detailed annotation for each dataset.


Brainstorming Prompt-Completion Dataset

Total volume

2000+ Assets

Last Updated

Sep 2023

Number of participants

50+ people

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What’s Included

Welcome to the Chinese Brainstorming Prompt-Response Dataset, a meticulously curated collection of 2000 prompt and response pairs. This dataset is a valuable resource for enhancing the creative and generative abilities of Language Models (LMs), a critical aspect in advancing generative AI.

Dataset Content:

This brainstorming dataset comprises a diverse set of prompts and responses where the prompt contains instruction, context, constraints, and restrictions while completion contains the most accurate response list for the given prompt. Both these prompts and completions are available in Chinese language.

These prompt and completion pairs cover a broad range of topics, including science, history, technology, geography, literature, current affairs, and more. Each prompt is accompanied by a response, providing valuable information and insights to enhance the language model training process. Both the prompt and response were manually curated by native Chinese people, and references were taken from diverse sources like books, news articles, websites, and other reliable references.

This dataset encompasses various prompt types, including instruction type, continuation type, and in-context learning (zero-shot, few-shot) type. Additionally, you'll find prompts and responses containing rich text elements, such as tables, code, JSON, etc., all in proper markdown format.

Prompt Diversity:

To ensure diversity, our brainstorming dataset features prompts of varying complexity levels, ranging from easy to medium and hard. The prompts also vary in length, including short, medium, and long prompts, providing a comprehensive range. Furthermore, the dataset includes prompts with constraints and persona restrictions, making it exceptionally valuable for LLM training.

Response Formats:

Our dataset accommodates diverse learning experiences, offering responses across different domains depending on the prompt. For these brainstorming prompts, responses are generally provided in list format. These responses encompass text strings, numerical values, and dates, enhancing the language model's ability to generate reliable, coherent, and contextually appropriate answers.

Data Format and Annotation Details:

This fully labeled Chinese Brainstorming Prompt Completion Dataset is available in both JSON and CSV formats. It includes comprehensive annotation details, including a unique ID, prompt, prompt type, prompt length, prompt complexity, domain, response, and the presence of rich text.

Quality and Accuracy:

Our dataset upholds the highest standards of quality and accuracy. Each prompt undergoes meticulous validation, and the corresponding responses are thoroughly verified. We prioritize inclusivity, ensuring that the dataset incorporates prompts and completions representing diverse perspectives and writing styles, maintaining an unbiased and discrimination-free stance.

The Chinese version is grammatically accurate without any spelling or grammatical errors. No copyrighted, toxic, or harmful content is used during the construction of this dataset.

Continuous Updates and Customization:

The entire dataset was prepared with the assistance of human curators from the FutureBeeAI crowd community. We continuously work to expand this dataset, ensuring its ongoing growth and relevance. Additionally, FutureBeeAI offers the flexibility to curate custom brainstorming prompt and completion datasets tailored to specific requirements, providing you with customization options.


This dataset, created by FutureBeeAI, is now available for commercial use. Researchers, data scientists, and developers can leverage this fully labeled and ready-to-deploy Chinese Brainstorming Prompt-Completion Dataset to enhance the creative and accurate response generation capabilities of their generative AI models and explore new approaches to NLP tasks.

Use Cases

Question Answer Dataset for Language Model Training

Language Model Training

brainstorming dataset for natural language understanding

Natural Language Understanding

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Dataset Details

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Dataset type

Brainstorming Prompt & Response Dataset



Media type





science, history, technology,...more

File Details

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Schema Element

unique_id, ,...more

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