Video Annotation

Labeled video data is important for AI-powered applications. Let our in-house teams make sure that it purrr-fact for your algorithm needs.

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Type of video labelling FutureBeeAI supports

Generated by 10000+ Community Members


Bounding Box Annotation


3D Cuboid Annotation


Polygon Annotation


Image Segmentation


Skeleton Pose


Landmark Annotation


Polyline Annotation

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The quality of the data is critical to the success of your AI project. High-quality labelled Video data are required to build comprehensive computer vision models. Depending on the needs of your AI model, FutureBeeAI can help you with any sort of video annotation, including the semantic, bounding box, polygon, polyline, and cuboid annotation and many more. We can scale your CV model accurately and with pixel-by-pixel and frame-by-frame annotation. With ready-to-use datasets, a competent workforce of annotators, and the finest available tool, you can scale your AI pipeline five times more quickly.

With FutureBeeAI and its 3000+ global annotators, you can quickly achieve high-volume operational excellence.


Polyline Annotation


Bounding Box Annotation


3D Cuboid Annotation


Polygon Annotation


Image Segmentation


Skeleton Pose


Landmark Annotation


Polyline Annotation


Bounding Box Annotation

The quality of the data is critical to the success of your AI project. High-quality labelled Video data are required to build comprehensive computer vision models. Depending on the needs of your AI model, FutureBeeAI can help you with any sort of video annotation, including the semantic, bounding box, polygon, polyline, and cuboid annotation and many more. We can scale your CV model accurately and with pixel-by-pixel and frame-by-frame annotation. With ready-to-use datasets, a competent workforce of annotators, and the finest available tool, you can scale your AI pipeline five times more quickly.

With FutureBeeAI and its 3000+ global annotators, you can quickly achieve high-volume operational excellence.

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We Ensure Quality Human-


Create Structured
Video Dataset

To meet specified industry standards and procedure, FutureBeeAI generates a variety of video annotations from the raw video frames in the most exact and precise methods.


Annotation Tools &

Our workforce of annotators includes individuals across all cultures and industries. We can deliver over 97-99% accurate labels because of our supervision and years of experience.


QA Review & Data

Our QA and review process involves manual investigation of annotated video frames in various stages. Data security in the system is maintained by our efficient process.

Develop for Varied Use Cases

AI based access control and face recognition technology

Access control

AI-based facial recognition technology can help identify the owner of the vehicle. AI-enabled automotive can help get custom settings in vehicles based on the user experience.

 Lane detection in autonomous vehicles

Lane detection

AI-enabled automotive can identify and track the lane and reduce the burden on drivers to keep the eye on the road on a long journey!

 AI based path hole detection technology

Path hole detection

Path hole detection can warn the driver while approaching the hump or the path hole and reduce the chances of accidents.

 Computer vision based visual damage detection for insurance


Computer vision-based visual inspection models can assist in claiming insurance in no time with the utmost accuracy.

 Computer vision technology in autonomous vehicles

Autonomous Vehicle

AI-enabled autonomous vehicles can not only drive from place A to B without any manual assistance from the driver but can do self-parking and lane tracking.

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AI based crop and soil monitoring using UAVs

Crop & Soil monitoring

We can use UAVs aka drones to capture the soil and crop and build an AI model that can detect the quality and quantity along with crop and soil health.

 AI based crop maturity monitoring

Maturity Monitoring

AI can do high labour-intensive tasks like crop maturity monitoring as well as using high-level computer vision models which can classify the crop based on various criteria.

 Computer vision technology in crop disease detection

Plant disease detection

A computer vision-based AI model which is pre-trained for identifying various plant diseases can help farmers in the identification and prevention of various plant diseases from an early stage.

AI in livestock monitoring

Livestock monitoring

AI-enabled computer vision models can keep eye on livestock. It can count and track the behaviour of livestock to identify their health.

Customise spraying in field using AI

Customise Spraying

CV model can not only detect the disease but can also help in prevention by identifying target areas and spraying fertilizers using UAVs.

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: Disease detection through AI using analysis of medical images

Medical Image Analysis

AI can analyse various medical imagery like ultrasound, MRI, and X-rays and detect various diseases from the graphical information and can assist doctors.

 Computer vision in robotic surgery

Robotic Surgery

Surgical robots can aid with surgery with sub-millimetre precision by identifying the repeated activities inside the surgical operation.

Medical images insights extraction using AI

Medical Imaging Insights

NLP & OCR-based AI applications can retrieve relevant information from medicine images and medical documents. The text can also be translated into the user's native language.

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 Facial recognition using computer vision

Face Recognition

Artificial intelligence-enabled video analytics can assist in detecting any illegal behaviour or threat in a fraction of a second, making it a proactive security solution.

Computer vision based traffic and road safety management

Traffic & Road Safety

AI-enabled video analytics can aid in traffic management and improve road safety by detecting: no-helmet and triple riding detection, wrong-way driving, and over-speeding detection.

 on road object tracing using AI

Smart Object Tracing

Using computer vision techniques, each item in a frame can be identified and segmented and then matched against a list of predefined categories to aid in safety.

 Computer vision technology for video gorensics

Video Forensics

AI can assist in the post-incident investigation, machine learning algorithms can be employed for colour conversion, regeneration, and comparison between two video backdrops.

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 Damage detection and visual inspection using AI

Virtual Tours

The AI-powered computer vision, NLP, technology enables 3D views of properties without stepping foot in the property area. It can assist with zoom-in, spoken notes, and panorama view functions.


Visual Inspection & Damage Detection

Using a video analytic tool, property conditions can be analyzed and solutions for maintenance can be predicted. It can prevent a lot of labour, time, and expense.

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HITL of FutureBeeAI

Our diverse Human In The Loop community drives better control over quality standards and more than 99% of accurate and precise annotation within a definite time span. Explore more about our multilingual annotator community 👇

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Useful Resources

Video annotation guide by FutureBeeAI


Video Data Annotation Guide

Coming soon

FutureBeeAI case study in PPE detection model

Case Study

Creating annotations for supervised PPE detection model

Coming soon

computer vision dataset for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems


Answering the what, why & how's of ADAS

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Get in the New Loop

Get the dataset from the store > Annotate it with help from our community OR Get ready-to-deploy structured data (with annotations) directly from our store.

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