Wake Words & Voice Commands Datasets

Explore the collection of different types of speech datasets for wake words and voice commands. Leverage these ready-to-use datasets to train & fine tune speech recognition models and enhance the capabilities of voice assistants and smart devices. These audio datasets includes high quality speech data, accurate transcription and detailed metadata.

Are you in search of a diverse and comprehensive speech dataset to effectively train or fine-tune your speech recognition model for voice assistants or smart devices? Look no further! We are thrilled to announce that we are soon launching a range of audio datasets tailored to fulfill this exact need. Our datasets will encompass various types of speech data, including wake word datasets for prominent voice assistants, as well as voice command datasets covering multiple languages and dialects.

While we diligently work on preparing and publishing these datasets, we want you to know that we are open to custom requirements. If you currently require specific speech datasets, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Our global crowd community spans across all demographics and countries, enabling us to assist you in collecting custom speech datasets in any desired language or dialect.

In collaboration with our state-of-the-art speech data collection app, Yugo, we ensure a seamless and hassle-free process for gathering speech data from anywhere in the world. Yugo is equipped to handle all technical requirements and provide detailed metadata for your convenience.

Our mission is to empower your speech recognition endeavors and contribute to the advancement of voice assistant and smart device technologies. Get ready to take your models to new heights with our upcoming speech datasets and let us help you achieve exceptional performance in speech recognition.

Train & Fine-tune Your ASR Models with High-quality Multilingual Datasets!

Collect custom dataset with crowd community